On the highest speed, my baby's head jiggles more than I expected. Is this OK? (Video Tutorial)

Many parents find it odd and counter-intuitive to jiggle a baby to calm crying. But, many babies will only calm down when they are bounced, danced with, or driven in the car on a bumpy road!

That jiggly motion is exactly what your baby experienced inside your belly before birth…when you were hustling down the stairs or in an exercise class!

SNOO’s motion is designed to imitate that motion. At the jiggly-est speed, SNOO’s platform only moves 0.5 cm back and forth.

In fact, a fast jiggle can aid many babies’ Calming Reflex. This is why doctors recommend parents bounce on an exercise ball or put their baby on top of the drier. These time-tested tricks use jiggly motion to soothe babies and make them sleepy…and so does SNOO!

However, if your baby does not need the fast speed to be soothed or does not seem to like it when SNOO moves faster – or if you don’t feel comfortable with the motion – simply use the App to select the Motion Limiter setting. That will allow the sound to advance in response to fussing but will prevent the motion from going over level 2 (green).

Check out the following video tutorial for more information:

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