Submit a request

Please try to describe your request in detail so our team may best assist you. Please include your order number if you have one.

For pre-purchase/rental questions, select which you are interested in

Please select which best describes your request

For questions before the order has shipped

Please select which part of your order you would like to modify

For Retail orders that shipped, please use the "Return" form

Please use the "Return" form if you did not initiate your return.

All order inquiries, returns, and product support requests should have an order number. Please enter N/A if you do not have an order number.

Please note that we cannot change the billing date. To cancel your subscription and return your rental, please select the Return form.

Please write in the email you use for your rental order

Please Note: We do not ship on weekends or holidays. If one is selected, we will default to the first prior business day.

If your request is related to items in multiple orders, please check Multiple Orders or items box

Check this if you have multiple orders or items to report

Please write the additional order numbers if the items are from different orders. If the items are from a single order, please leave this blank.

If your request is about only one item, please leave this blank

All returns and product support requests require a serial number. If you do not have a SNOO Serial Number, enter N/A.

Please type in the manufacture date from the swaddle tag, the serial number on the bottom of an electronic item, or a 4-digit LOT from a power cord.

If you are inquiring about multiple products, please select just one and include the others in your detailed return reason.

Add file or drop files here
    We will process your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. By clicking ‘Submit’ you confirm that you have read and understood our Privacy Policy and how it applies to you.